Dave Ahrendt’s Wood Carving Shop

Recently, my brother, Nate, and I helped my dad build a small heated wood shop so he could start carving again. Prior to buying Half Moon Trail in 1995, he and my mom were artists, and made their living carving and painting bird sculptures. My sister, Kayla, has an interest in art, so Dad is doing a little teaching this semester and Kayla is getting a little hands on training from the pro. The photos below are just the “roughing out” stage, which usually starts with a chainsaw, like Kayla is using below.  I’ll post a few more pictures at a later date, showing the carvings when they actually look like something other than a piece of firewood 😉

Dave Ahrendt Carving wood with an angle grinder

Dave Ahrendt Wood Carving

Michaela Ahrendt carving with a chainsaw

Michaela Ahrendt carving wood with Dave Ahrendt


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